Францускиот производител веќе има две победи на легендарниот Дакар – и со новиот 3008DKR Maxi ќе се обиде да го претвори тоа во хет-трик!
Новиот автомобил се вика 3008DKR Maxi, и е очекувана еволуција на 3008DKR со кој Peugeot едноставно доминираше минатата година. Основните детали се исти – но новиот 3008DKR Maxi е скоро цели 20 сантиметри поширок, со цел подобро да може да се справи со нерамниот терен кој е дел од Dakar релито.
Сега за сега не се објавени детали за моторот, но најверојатно ќе го носи истиот 3-литарски V6 турбодизел со два турбополначи кој испорачува 340 коњски сили и 800 Nm кон задните тркала. 3008DKR Maxi ќе го има своето деби следниот месец, и тоа на Silk Way релито кое минува низ Русија и Кина. Зад воланот на еден од автомобилите ќе биде несопирливиот Sebastien Loeb, задолжен за второто ќе биде тековниот Дакар шампион Stephane Peterhansel, а задолжен за третото возило ќе биде минатогодинешниот победник на Silk Way – Cyril Despres. За Дакар, Peugeot ќе има и четврто возило – а за него задолжен ќе биде легендарниот Carlos Sainz.
За новиот 3008DKR Maxi, Sebastien Loeb изјави дека „новиот автомобил е сега значително постабилен, и чувството е различно во возење. Со поширката трага и големите тркала, може да оди помалку или повеќе било каде. На некои места возилата со погон на сите четири тркала ќе бидат подобри, но предноста на нашето возило е дека може да се справи со секаков терен, особено песочните дини!“
Им посакуваме многу среќа – како на Silk Way, така и на Dakar во Јануари!
Stephane Peterhansel, Cyril Despres and Carlos Sainz discuss about the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi at the PSA factory in Versailles, France on 5 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00197 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Cyril Despres performs during a test session with the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi in Fontjoncouse, France on 15 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00205 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Cyril Despres performs during a test session with the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi in Fontjoncouse, France on 15 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00213 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Cyril Despres performs during a test session with the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi in Fontjoncouse, France on 15 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00217 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Cyril Despres performs during a test session with the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi in Fontjoncouse, France on 15 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00219 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Cyril Despres performs during a test session with the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi in Fontjoncouse, France on 15 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00221 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Cyril Despres performs during a test session with the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi in Fontjoncouse, France on 15 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00227 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Cyril Despres performs during a test session with the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi in Fontjoncouse, France on 15 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00229 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Stephane Peterhansel, Cyril Despres and Carlos Sainz discuss about the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi at the PSA factory in Versailles, France on 5 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00233 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Cyril Despres performs during a test session with the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi in Fontjoncouse, France on 15 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00235 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Cyril Despres performs during a test session with the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi in Fontjoncouse, France on 15 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00237 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Carlos Sainz performs during a test session with the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi in Fontjoncouse, France on 14 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00251 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
The Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi at the PSA factory in Versailles, France on 6 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00259 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Carlos Sainz performs during a test session with the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi in Fontjoncouse, France on 14 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00261 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
The Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi at the PSA factory in Versailles, France on 6 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00263 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Detail of the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi at the PSA factory in Versailles, France on 6 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00267 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Carlos Sainz performs during a test session with the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi in Fontjoncouse, France on 14 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00269 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
The Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi at the PSA factory in Versailles, France on 6 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00271 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Detail of the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi at the PSA factory in Versailles, France on 6 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00273 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Detail of the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi at the PSA factory in Versailles, France on 6 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00275 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Carlos Sainz performs during a test session with the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi in Fontjoncouse, France on 14 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00277 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
The Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi at the PSA factory in Versailles, France on 6 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00281 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
The Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi at the PSA factory in Versailles, France on 6 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00285 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Detail of the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi in Fontjoncouse, France on 14 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00287 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Carlos Sainz performs during a test session with the Peugeot 3008DKR Maxi in Fontjoncouse, France on 14 June 2017 // Flavien Duhamel/Red Bull Content Pool // P-20170626-00289 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //